Frequently Asked Questions

We pride ourselves on being transparent about our approach to treatment! See below for some answers to our most frequently asked questions.

What is CAMS?

CAMS (Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality) is an evidence based, suicide-focused treatment framework intended to reduce suicidal risk within 6-8 sessions. Visit www.CAMS-Care.com for more information.

What is DBT?

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is an evidence based, behavior-focused treatment intended to assist people in managing and regulating their emotions, as well as reducing suicidal risk and working towards building a "life worth living."

Who can benefit from the services provided at The Hope Institute?

Anyone experiencing suicidal ideation can benefit from the services (individual therapy, phone coaching, group therapy) we provide at THI. We offer intakes as soon as 24 hours after referral.

How can The Hope Institute help me?

THI utilizes CAMS and DBT, two proven clinical interventions that reliably and effectively treat suicidal ideation among other symptoms. CAMS intends to treat patient-defined suicidal drivers leading to rapid reductions in suicidal ideation, overall symptom distress, depression, and hopelessness. In addition, there is promising data for decreasing suicide attempts and self-harm behaviors.